Europe, Middle East, Africa




Contact Us

Welcome to the Berlin Culturefirst chapter!

Starting in 2020, we’re building the community of supportive culturefirst enthusiasts in Berlin.

We’ll be hosting virtual events initially and hoping to follow up with in-person events after the CoVid-19 restrictions ease up.

We’ll be connecting members with local and international like-minded people, build a support network and hopefully be inspired with new ideas and approaches. Don’t hesitate to drop by an event and say hello, or jump right in and join the chapter – it’s free!

If you have questions or are looking for specific support, or would like us to do an event on a specific topic, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the chapter leads Ramita and Simon by hitting contact (below) or connecting on LinkedIn through our profiles.

We look forward to meeting you!

**If you think this is a group for you, click on the button "Join" to be notified of this chapter's future gatherings. Otherwise, reach out to one of our chapter lead organizers and we'll be in touch. Cheers to co-creating a better world of work!


Chapter Lead

Ramita Atiq

Berlin Chapter Lead
People, Organization and Workplace

Upcoming events

23 abr 2024

Virtual Event

Creating an Innovative Team Culture

Companies are needing to innovate to stay relevant. Our products and services not only need to iterate, but the way we work needs to iterate as well. What matters is creating a team culture that can support innovation, work in an agile manner and deliver business results.

Past events

Virtual Event

Culture First Workshop Part 2: The Transformative Power of Generative AI in People Ops & Culture

Virtual Event

Culture First Workshop Part 2: The Transformative Power of Generative AI in People Ops & Culture

Virtual Event

Culture First Workshop Part 1: The Transformative Power of Generative AI in People Ops & Culture

Virtual Event

Culture First Workshop Part 1: The Transformative Power of Generative AI in People Ops & Culture

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Contact Us