

91 members


Contact Us

**If you think this is a group for you, click on the button "Join" to be notified of this chapter's future gatherings. Otherwise, reach out to one of our chapter lead organizers and we'll be in touch. Cheers to co-creating a better world of work!


Chapter Lead

Lachandra Baker

Chapter Co-Lead Lachandra B. Baker EDUTainment, LLC

Chapter Lead

Meri Kullberg

Chapter Co-Lead augustwenty

Chapter Lead

Austin Drabik

Chapter Co-Lead Conjuring Culture

Chapter Lead

Dani Glynn

Chapter Lead

Past events

In-person event

From Bean to Belonging: Infusing Empathy into the Workplace—with Brandon Bir

In-person event

Unlocking Potential through Divergent Thinking—with Nathan Minns

In-person event

Empower Belonging Through Action Workshop

In-person event

Designing Culture Happy Hour

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Contact Us