Turning Pages, Taking Action Series: Dare to Lead

Apr 27, 2023, 8:00 – 9:00 PM (UTC)

Book Club

Join us for the Turning Pages, Taking Action Series, where we focus on one book during a 8-session discussion. Our first book is Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. The energy and collaboration will be sure to inspire new ideas and skills in organizational and personal leadership.

About this event

The Turning Pages, Taking Action Series is an eight-part book discussion series designed to create a collaborative deep dive into the key learnings of some of the most popular books on the bestsellers list. The series aims to promote personal and professional growth by developing leadership, mentorship, and other skills through group reading and discussion. Each eight-week series will focus on a different book focused on core topics in personal and professional growth, and participants will engage in group discussions to explore key takeaways and collaborate on actionable steps that can be taken to promote growth.

The first book we will focus on in this series is Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. During each session, we will begin with a grounding to focus the group on getting the most out of the discussion and then we will then engage in Sprint-tros, or breakouts, to discuss reflections on the book in smaller groups, and regroup to explore the book's resources and key takeaways. Using a variety of tools, along with resources provided by Brene Brown we will set out on an exploration of the ways the insights in Dare to Lead can empower us and our organizations to better Leadership principles and actions. The session will conclude with a clear set of action items to prep for the next gathering in the series.

The program is led by Theresa Fesinstine, the founder of Culture Markers, a culture builder, and organizational consultant. With her expertise in organizational development, her passion for community, and her focus on personal and professional growth, Theresa is thrilled to bring this book series to the Culture First Community. Her goal is to help individuals expand their skills and develop a growth mindset by providing a space for collaborative learning and action. This program is perfect for anyone looking to make meaningful changes in their personal or professional lives and looking to develop the skills necessary to succeed.

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  • Theresa Fesinstine




  • Jessie Jacob

    Senior Community Manager, Culture Amp

  • Christy Tonge

    Culture Strategist| Exec Coach | Podcast Host - LeadersGetReal.com

    Chapter Lead

  • Theresa Fesinstine



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