Appreciative Inquiry: Co-creating Our Community -- PART II: Dreaming about a desired futured

Mar 27, 2024, 3:00 – 4:30 AM (UTC)


This is the second of a two-part workshop on Appreciative Inquiry for building culture through collective, co-design. In this second step of the Inquiry we leverage the strengths identified in the Discovery phase to launch a creative exploration of the future that encourages us to ask, 'what if?'

About this event

Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a model that seeks to involve people in creating the future they desire.  From a cultural perspective, it asks us to consider, 'when things worked well - what contributed?' (AI Part I) and then, using the strengths we identified in the Discovery step, we expound on our thinking in search of new possibilities (Part II of the AI workshop).

In this virtual workshop, we will have Dr Hafsa Ahmed as an introductory speaker talking about her Futures work followed by an exploratory step using the bells and whistles offered to us for creative thinking using the virtual platform.

The third and fourth stages of AI -- design and destiny -- are about using what's been identified in the first two steps to formulate our Culture First programme for the year.

Developed at Case Western Reserve University and starting with the work of David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva, Appreciative Inquiry is an alternative way of creating change for communities, organisations and work groups.  

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024
3:00 AM – 4:30 AM (UTC)


Virtual Meet and Greet
Invited Guest: Dr Hafsa Ahmed
The Discovery Findings
Virtual Diverge


  • Hafsa Ahmed

    Hafsa Ahmed Consulting

    Lady Khadija Charitable Trust's co-founder, Lincoln University lecturer and founding Director of Unquiet

  • Michelle Shields

    Fulcrum Associates


  • Bridie Morell

    Bridie Morell Consulting

    Culture & Capability Consultant


  • Michelle Shields

    Fulcrum Associates / Orion Group

    Chapter Lead

  • Hayley Smith

    Chapter Lead

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