Aug 4, 2022, 9:00 – 11:00 PM (UTC)
The job market is bananas right now. Join your KC community chapter members to geek out on how to navigate in a 'Culture First' way.
This happy hour is for all those people and culture nerds in KC out there looking to geek out with their fellow nerds. We'll be discussing what themes we are seeing in the world of work. We all know the job market is just bananas right now from layoffs to employees just up and leaving. Oh, and don't forget the incredible leverage employees still have when it comes to asking for record salaries.
Let's get together over some food and beverage (open tab) to hear from one another and nerd out on how to navigate all of this in a 'Culture First' way. We're all about improving the world of work so how do we deal with these instances in a more human and people-oriented way?
Please RSVP so we can have an idea of how many people to expect. You're welcome to bring a friend or co-worker. See you in-person on August 4th at Gram and Dun!
*FOR VIRTUAL EVENTS: At start of event, please click the "Join Event" button in the banner above 👆. ** By participating in our community events, you consent to the possibility of being photographed or recorded for promotional purposes.
Thursday, August 4, 2022
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
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