Aug 26, 2022, 7:00 – 8:15 PM
A Free Virtual Community Event
12:00 - 1:00pm - Interactive Session
1:00 - 1:15 - "After Party" - bonus community connection
Event Description
Companies don’t attract or keep talent without a strong culture of trust. Teams don't perform without trust and psychological safety. When Google conducted a 2-year study on what makes an effective team, they found the highest performing teams had one thing in common: they felt psychologically safe (which includes things like which includes candor and authenticity over politicking and curiosity over judgment. When we feel safe in our environment, we take more risks, contribute more effort, and are more engaged, productive, and creative. These factors have an impact on customer satisfaction, revenue, and employee retention.
Special Guest
We’ll have Psychological Safety expert Andra Vaduva with us to inform our topic and frame our discussion. Andra is a people-first advocate, Founder & CEO of, and StartUp Coach.
Rich Interactive Dialogue & Peer Networking
We’ll have a highly interactive discussion and breakouts for a Pulse Check on the level of psychological safety & trust in your work life, organization and/or team. Troubleshoot challenges and gain best practices.
Looking forward to having you be part of our energizing San Francisco Bay Area Culture First Community!
All are welcome.
Come network and be energized by connecting with great humans.
Invite your friends & colleagues & see you on Friday, August 26.
Warmly, Christy Tonge & Marcella Passanisi
Culture First – A community of passionate people who believe a better world of work is possible and are willing to take action to bring it about.
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