Asia Pacific

Mental Health at Work

46 members


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Did you know, a mentally healthy workplace leads to improved productivity, lower staff turnover and the retention of skills and experience. Comparatively, a mentally unhealthy workplace can lead to increased stress for employees (and employers), disengagement and reduced productivity. 

So, how can we make our workplaces more supportive, less stressful and increase engagement and productivity?

Join our Culture First Chapter 'Mental Health at Work' to co-create strategies for building better more mentally healthy workplaces. 

**If you think this is a group for you, click on the button "Join" to be notified of this chapter's future gatherings. Otherwise, reach out to one of our chapter lead organizers and we'll be in touch. Cheers to co-creating a better world of work!


Chapter Lead

Mel vonH

People Geek & Community Builder Culture Amp

Chapter Lead

Jessica Telford

Chapter Lead

Chapter Lead

Deb Mavric

Chapter lead

Past events

Virtual Event

It's time to check-in on you!

Virtual Event

Welcome to the APAC Mental Health in the workplace culture first chapter

Contact Us