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日本は「和」を重んじるといった、長い歴史と共に培った価値観が組織のあり方や組織文化にも色濃く反映されている側面もあります。私は、欧米と日本の文化の丁度中継点のような生き方・働き方をずっとしてきたからこそ、この日本の根幹にある価値観を、メンバーの皆さんと改めて感じ、共有し、組織のカルチャーファーストとは? というのを、ざっくばらんに分かち合いながら、気軽に世界に発信していくコミュニティを目指したいと考えています。もちろん、私たちは日本にいながら、様々な背景を持った方々と日々仕事をしているのも事実です。そのような多様性と共に、日本支部は今後も多くの想いを重ねるメンバーと共に、カルチャーファーストのJapay Wayを、じわじわと世界にも「拡散」しながら、世界中のコミュニティから学びや刺激を受けあい、融合する、まさに、世界の「和と輪」に繋がるコミュニティとなるように、育てていきたいと考えています。
The word “community,” as we often refer to it, is derived from the Latin word “communus,” meaning to share. In establishing a community in Japan that shares the organization's culture-first aspirations, I was appointed to be the founding leader of the chapter.
I feel that I have been given the opportunity to create and nurture a “place for sharing” and to share Japan's unique culture with the world to the fullest extent.
In Japan, values that have been cultivated over a long history, such as respect for “wa” (harmony), are strongly reflected in the way organizations are organized and in the organizational culture. Because I have lived and worked in Japan as if I were at the crossroads between Western and Japanese cultures for a long time, I felt and shared these fundamental Japanese values with the members again and discussed with them what is the culture first of the organization. We would like to create a community where we can casually share our thoughts and ideas about what culture first means to an organization. Of course, it is also true that we work with people from various backgrounds every day, even though we are in Japan. With such diversity, the Japan Chapter will continue to work with many like-minded members to slowly “spread” the culture-first Japay Way around the world, learning from and stimulating communities around the world, and fusing them into a community that is truly connected to the “harmony and circle” of the world. We would like to grow the Japay Way so that it becomes a community that leads to the “harmony and circle” of the world.
🌎 About the Culture First Global Community 🌎
The Culture First Community is where global people leaders and change agents come together to be inspired by their peers, ideate, and share best practices on our shared mission to create a better world of work.
Supported by Culture Amp, the leading employee experience platform, our local and topic-based chapters are volunteer-led, creating inspiring experiences and purposeful connections through both in-person and virtual events. We are proud to be the world's largest HR community and an award-winning one at that. The Culture First community won Best Growth Marketing Community in 2024 at the CMX Community Industry Awards. Our chapters program alone consists of 100+ chapters in 25+ countries and 90+ cities, with over 16,000 members. We are united by a shared commitment to learning, growth, and creating meaningful change, with principles that focus on fostering inclusive environments and prioritizing genuine connections over networking or sales. 🔔 If you think this is a group for you, click on the button "Join" to be notified of this chapter's future gatherings. Otherwise, reach out to one of our chapter lead organizers and we'll be in touch. Cheers to co-creating a better world of work!
4 mar 2025
Chapter Event
【3月4日開催】続・未来ブレストDE&Iの次の一歩を考えるオンラインセッション_Culture First 日本支部
Culture First 日本支部の活動にご興味をお持ちの皆様に、定期的にオンラインイベントを開催しております。このイベントでは、本コミュニティのビジョン、今後の展望、活動計画についてご紹介し、皆様との活発な意見交換を行います。 また、新たに事例研究も取り入れ、実際に現場で起きている課題やお悩みを一緒に考える時間を設けています。 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております!
Chapter Event
【1月30日開催】Culture First 日本支部 第2回ハイブリットイベント:「 ダイバーシティー(DE&I)」と未来へのブレストセッション
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