Digital Wellbeing at Work: How to Change the Always-On Culture

Sep 5, 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Global Chapter

Learn the key pillars to shifting your always-on culture.

About this event

As our lives get increasingly digitized, most people struggle to disconnect from our devices. Problems ranging from Zoom fatigue, inability to stay focused on a single task to physical discomfort associated with increased screen time and the perceived need to be “always on” all contribute to an unbalanced use of technology. Long-term this may lead to fatigue, digital presenteeism or absenteeism, loss of motivation, increased churn or even burnouts.

Join us for this 75-minute session where Dr. Anastasia Dedyukhina will discuss neuroscience-based actionable tips on what employees and leaders can do to improve digital wellbeing at work. 

Lastly, this event may be Americas and EMEA time-friendly, but it will be recorded and sent out to all of those that register. 

Cheers to setting boundaries with technology and creating a better world of work! 

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  • Anastasia Dedyukhina

    Speaker and Author


  • Jessie Jacob

    Senior Community Manager, Culture Amp

  • DeMario Bell

    Culture Amp

    Chapter Lead

Event recording

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