The Power of Emotions at Work

Aug 18, 2022, 10:00 – 11:30 PM (UTC)

Global Chapter

A gathering to discuss how to engage our emotions in the workplace to create a productive, creative, and truly workable environment.

About this event

Have you ever heard the expression "check your emotions at the door"? This is unfortunately a common and hilarious attempt by companies to suppress any sort of discomfort at work and only display pleasantness no matter how people are really feeling. Many are calling this norm "toxic positivity." This negatively impacts psychological safety which ultimately leads to a loss in productivity, diminished creativity and crushing job dissatisfaction.

“The foundational problem is that we [throw] emotions out of the workplace, when in fact, emotions contain the information we need to make our workplaces work,” says Karla McLaren. This renowned social science researcher, emotions and empathy expert, and author will be joining us for this session to discuss why the full spectrum of emotions is necessary for us to bring forth our best thinking.

In this session, we will:

- talk about the most commonly suppressed emotions we experience at work, how to work with them and how to leverage them to yours and the organization's benefit

- cover the importance of emotional vocabulary and emotional literacy

- share actionable steps you can take to create a nourishing rather than draining work environment

Join us for this interactive gathering and connect with your fellow Culture First activists to improve the world of work with the power of emotions! 

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  • Karla McLaren

    Emotion Dynamics Inc.

    CEO and Founder


  • Jessie Jacob

    Culture Amp

    Community Manager

  • Culture Craig (he/him)

    Culture First

    Lead People Scientist / Community Engagement at Culture Amp


  • Jessie Jacob

    Senior Community Manager, Culture Amp

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